15-17 May 2013 Lille - Villeneuve d'Ascq (France)

Scientific committee

Florence Chenu, University of Lyon 2, France
Marion Blondel,  University of Paris 8, France
Jana Bressem, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
Georgette Dal, University of Lille 3, France
Nicole Delbecque, University of Leuven, Belgium
Walter Demulder, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Guillaume Desagulier, University of Paris 8
Sonja Erlenkamp, University of Trondheim, Norway
Jean-Michel Fortis, University of Paris 7, France
Craig Hamilton, University of Mulhouse, France
Dylan Glynn, University of Lund, Sweden
Maya Hickmann, University of Paris 5, France
Harriet Jisa, University of Lyon 2, France
Anetta Kopecka, University of Lyon 2, France
Silva Ladewig, University of Frankfort an der Oder, Germany
Jean-Rémi Lapaire, University of Bordeaux 3, France
Diana Lewis, University of Provence, France
Aliyah Morgenstern, University of Paris 3, France
Florent Perek, University of Freiburg, Germany & University of Lille 3, France
Caroline Rossi, University of Lyon 2, France
Stéphane Robert, Fédération TUL - FR 2559, France
Paul Sambre, Lessius Hogeschool, Antwerp, Belgium
Mark Tutton, University de Nantes, France
Kristel van Goethem, University of Louvain, Belgium
Myriam Vermeerbergen, University of Leuven, Belgium
Bencie Woll, University College London, U.K.
Sherman Wilcox, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA
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