15-17 May 2013 Lille - Villeneuve d'Ascq (France)

Registration (info)

CAVEAT: It seemed that there were possibly problems with the confirmation email that you receives after registration in that might contain some errors (not always the case); the developers of the platform has told us that they have fixed the problem, but you are be advised to check the info in the confirmation mail, and if that isn't correct, to check your registration info on-line. If that is correct, all has been registered correctly. If that contains mistakes, please contact the organisers. We apologize for the inconvenience. 

Registration: information and procedure

To register, you need to create an account on this platform. If you already have an account (e.g., if you have submitted an abstract to this conference or to another one on SciencesConf.org) you can use that one. Please be sure to save the filled-out form before you continue to "payment" and that the options you have chosen are correct. As long as you haven't proceeded to actual payment, you can still change the options you have chosen. Once paid, it will be impossible to change them (even for us).

Early registration fees for non-members is 130€ (regular) or 60€ (student). There are reduced fees for AFLiCo members: 90€ (regular) or 40€ (student). AFLiCo membership is 20€ per year; to become member click on the link “http://www.aflico.fr/membership.html” and follow the instructions given there.

Early registration opens on January 23, 2013 and closes on March 15, 2013.

After March 15, there is a 40€ increase of fees: late registration fee for non-members will then be 170€ (regular) or 100€ (student) and for AFLiCo members 130€ (regular) or 80€ (student). Late registration closes on April 8, 2013.

Basic conference fee covers plenary lectures, use of conference rooms, conference bag, name tag, book of abstracts and coffee breaks.


The registration module allows you to pre-order lunches for any or all three conference dates (Wednesday, May 15, Thursday, May 16 and Friday, May 17). A lunch costs 8 euro and includes a deli sandwich, a drink and a healthy dessert.

Conference dinner

The conference dinner will take place on Thursday evening in an exquisite restaurant located in a historic site in "Old Lille" (http://www.lilleremparts.fr/en/index.php). The price of 48€ includes an aperitif and amuse-bouche, a starter, a main course, a dessert and coffee or tea, as well as wine and water. There is a vegetarian option.

Excursion to LaM

On Thursday afternoon at around 4 p.m., before the conference dinner, there will be a guided visit to the LaM, the newly refurbished and extended Lille Metropolitan Museum of modern art, contemporary art and art brut in Villeneuve d’Ascq (http://www.musee-lam.fr/gb/). The price is 10€ (not including transport to the museum from the conference site: from the Pont-du-Bois metro station, take bus 41 to L.A.M.).


For only 12 euro, you can buy a conference souvenir T-shirt (S/M/L/XL), containing the logo, the title and the date of the conference.


There are three options for payment: on-line (credit card), cheque (French cheques only!), or money order.


We advise you to buy a booklet of 10 metro tickets upon arrival, which would cover the trips to and from the city centre to the university for the whole conference, including the bus ticket for the excursion to the museum.

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